Tincup Lake

Cheghǟr MǟnBroad Whitefish Lake – Tincup Lake

Southern Tutchone

Dazhän män shäw Łù’àn Mǟn yádè dädä̀tą Cheghǟr Mǟn ùye ch’e. Äyū kä̀nàch’į dän Łù’àn Mǟn ts’än cheghǟr ka chemèn chänàtl’ų̀ tth’ay.
Nena ka shų ts’ä̀tläw ts’än łänàjä̀l tth’ay. Äk’ān k’e gúch’än äyū män mày kų̀ shäw kwä̀tsį.
Ätl’a tágàya Cheghǟr Mǟn tänilį k’e Gyǘ Chù ùye ch’e.
Ugà gyü, Dän Zhǜr Chù ts’än tä̀na’wäl ka kùye.


The creek which flows into Tincup Lake is called Gyǘ Chù because of the king salmon which come up from the Donjek River. Used today mostly by Burwash people, formerly Southern Tutchone from Aishihik also came here. The area is mostly important for the dog salmon run. It is one of the few places in the region where the salmon come in any numbers. They were caught in cone-shaped fish traps from six to eight feet long made of small poles laced with spruce root.