Brooks Arm (Little Arm)

The Kala DagürBetween the Flat, Rocky Hills – Brooks Arm (Little Arm)

Southern Tutchone

Dazhän män Łù’àn Mǟn ts’än chį̀’a ä́dè dhäl dagür The Kala Dagür ùye.
Łù’àn Mǟn kwädǟn dazhų̄ dè nànadä̀l kwäch’e nà. Cheghǟr Mǟn yè ushè Dät’äla ts’ä̀n. Chémèn chänàtl’ų̀ k’e nena ka shų łänàjä̀l tth’ay.
Ätl’a dän uch’à nädä̀jǟl k’e kàzhà Jimmy Johnson khen ä́tsį ‘‘Little Arm Tatay’’. Ayet yèni Jessie Joe äk’ān uyè äzhän.


This ‘little arm’ of Kluane Lake lies in a mountainous valley which is called The Kala Dagür. Long ago many people lived along the arm but they moved south towards Burwash Landing when the Tlingit traders started coming. The Kluane Lake people went along this arm to its upper end from where they would travel to Chegǟr Mǟn (Tincup Lake) and Ushè Dät’äla (Redtail Lake) for fishing and hunting. Jimmy Johnson made this song about someone travelling away by boat down Little Arm.

There was a fishing site on Brooks Creek near the confluence of Bridge Creek. In the 1940’s archaeologists found the remains of a fish trap here. The wings or fence were still in the creek and the remains of the cone were on the banks. They learned that salmon were sometimes caught but that other species were more plentiful.