Cultus Bay
Tl’àt Kwäshäw – Big Deep Bay – Cultus Bay
Southern Tutchone
Shakat nàakwätth’et k’e dän K’ǜa Mǟn yanda kwäts’än däzhų̄ chémèn chänàtl’ų̀ kwä̀ch’e nà. Mbet yè łù ka. Thì shų ghàkälų̀ nàkwäk’o k’e.
Äk’ān k’e Champagne Aishihik kwädän äyū kų̀ ghàkwìntsį. Ätl’a äyū dunèna kwädą̄y kwädǟn k’è kenùdän du.
This is a major traditional fishing place for native people. They set nets here for trout and whitefish. In the fall, thì, chum or dog salmon, which have come up all the way from the Yukon River are sometimes caught. Many people from Kloo Lake and other areas used to travel to this bay in the summer. Nowadays the area is used by the Champagne-Aishihik people. There is a culture camp there for children and young adults.